Welcome to my Website...

Last update: September 6th

The website is not updated due to technical issues... The NFL Picks are sent to the e-mail addresses provided. I hope to resolve this soon.


        Ben's Pools        
2007   2007   2007   2006   2008   2006
MLB   NFL   NFL   NCAA   NCAA   World Cup
13 Runs   Points   Survival   Bowls   Madness   Pool
3 Winners   David Mora   4 Tied   Joe Pinder   Craig Steele B. Pittman
30x3   50   96   23   156   24
24 Pools   7 Pools   7 Pools   1 Pool   10 Pools   2 Pools


The First row above lists each pool's winner
The second row shows the number that played in the last edition of each particular pool.


Click HERE to read the rules

Please send your picks to: picks@bbosi.com


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Steelers-Redskins Bill Cowher Monthey, Switzerland
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Rhinos-Warriors Rhinos-Lions Rhinos-Seagulls

Secure Area: Pictures of St-Remy de Provence. Click HERE




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